2008 Annual Meeting Info


The 2008 meeting, held on January 26 at the Smith Middle School in Glastonbury, CT, was highlighted by the presence of Dr. Richard Lawrence, Director of Underwater Archaeology, of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources (NCDCR). Dr. Lawrence described efforts undertaken thus far to retrieve artifacts from the pirate Blackbeard's ship the Queen Anne's Revenge; and included pictures taken during the excavation and of Blackbeard himself.

To access the Queen Anne's Revenge web page of the of the NCDCR web site, please click Queen Anne's Revenge.

To access the Flyer accompanying this meeting, please click 2008 Meeting Flyer.

To access the Program accompanying this meeting, please click 2008 Meeting Program.

Preceding this was the "business" portion of the meeting. Highlights included the following:

> Mae Johnson and Kris Keegan were awarded Appreciation Awards for their work on the FOSA Newsletter. This is the kind of work which can often go unnoticed, but which is critical to keeping members up-to-date on what's happening in the organization. Facsimilies of Mae's and Kris's certificates can be viewed by clicking .

> Two goals set by the Board of Directors for 2008: To make an extra effort to enlist FOSA members to volunteer those skills they indicated they're willing to share; and to raise media awareness of archaeology, especially via articles of local interest in local newspapers.

Members should contact our Volunteer Coordinator regarding volunteering activities and opportunities. The need is there, and is very real.