PayPal Pages Flow

For people who are unfamiliar with the flow of pages when intending to route payment through PayPal, the following is provided as a kind of road map, letting you know ahead of time what to expect.

The 5 images below provide the flow of pages which you can expect when you've completed the form on the Join / Donate page and have clicked the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

This button sent the form to a separate server process where the contents were processed and reformatted to abecome "heads-up" messages to the FOSA Membership Chair and to the Treasurer, so they will know who you are, what you would like to do and/or how much you are contributing to FOSA.

At the completion of that server processing, you'll a be presented with a screen with a single sentence on it. That's image 1 in this group, and it's after cicking "CONTINUE" in that sentence that you make the decision to go to PayPal or not. Presuming you wish to go to PayPal, numbers 2 thru 5 in the image below represent the sequence of pages you'll encounter next.

1 of 5

This is what appears once the "heads-up" messages have been sent to our Treasurer and Membership Chair. Click the word CONTINUE to resume website processing.

2 of 5

On this page you determine whether you want to continue on to PayPal or not. To enter PayPal, click the "Join/Donate" icon.

3 of 5

This is the home page for the FOSA PayPal account. Verify that the account you'll be accessing is indeed FOSA's and not some other recipient's. (If it's not FOSA's, Exit Out Immediately and contact FOSA webmaster by clicking the yellow "Send us an email" item at the bottom of this page.

Input the amount that you are contributing, then click the Donate with Paypal button if you have a PayPal account, or the Donate with Debit or Credit Card button if you do not have a Paypal account or if you prefer to pay with a card. NOTE: Both buttons take you to Paypal.

4 of 5

On this PayPal screen you're prompted to identify yourself to PayPal, as well as information on the credit card you'll be using.

While you have already input this information on the FOSA Join/Donate page, since Paypal is a separate entity, the data has to be re-entered here. Which is another reason we suggest printing off the Join/Donate page when you've completed it.

Click the "Donate Now" button at the bottom of the page to transfer the monies to the FOSA account.

5 of 5

When this page is displayed, you're finished with PayPal. You can now exit out of it.