PayPal Pages Flow
For people who are unfamiliar with the flow of pages when intending to route payment
through PayPal, the following is provided as a kind of road map, letting you know ahead of time what
to expect.
The 5 images below provide the flow of pages which you can expect when you've completed the
form on the Join / Donate page and have clicked the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.
This button sent the form to a separate server process where the contents were processed and
reformatted to abecome "heads-up" messages to the FOSA Membership Chair and to the Treasurer, so they
will know who you are, what you would like to do and/or how much you are contributing to FOSA.
At the completion of that server processing, you'll a be presented with a screen with a single
sentence on it. That's image 1 in this group, and it's after cicking "CONTINUE" in that
sentence that you make the decision to go to PayPal or not. Presuming you wish to go to PayPal,
numbers 2 thru 5 in the image below represent the sequence of pages you'll encounter next.