Digs: Site Activities

Student Field School


Each summer the State Archaeologist, assisted by members of FOSA and the Glastonbury school system, works with Middle School students from Glastonbury at an archaeological site in their town. In this, he provides background information on the site and why it's felt to be worthy of archaeological excavation. He will also teach the students proper field excavation techniques and the reason for their use; and will provide the students an opportunity for hands-on experience in site excavation. Lastly he will interpret the results of their work.

Note: Much of the "Field Walks" section above came from activities during one of these "Student Field Work" sessions.

The sites may range from historic buildings to farmers' fields. In the photos of this section, the students were at Killiam's Plane Shop; other recent such digs have occurred at a farm near the Connecticut River and at the Welles-Shipman-Ward house.

The purpose of these activities is not only to raise awareness of archaeology itself but, perhaps more importantly, to instill in the students an appreciation of the recent and prehistoric past in their town, and the cultural heritage it all represents.

Photos in this section were taken by Bonnie Beatrice.