Selected Reprints

FOSA's Outreach Program

by Bonnie Beatrice

FOSA's Outreach Program strives to present the public with informative and creative "hands on" exhibits. In 2007, we were given the opportunity to participate in five events throughout Eastern Connecticut.

The first was the Connecticut Gravestone Network's Symposium where a photo display was put on view of projects the State Archaeologist and FOSA volunteers worked on. Among those depicted were the Venture Smith Project (see Fall 2006 newsletter) and the locating of unmarked burial sites through means of historic records, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and field work.

For the CPTV Family Science Expo, BioBlitz and Hammonasset Festival, FOSA presented a representation of the cross section of a Native American "Midden" along with a display illustrating Radiocarbon 14. Also during the Hammonasset Festival and Atlatl & Knapp In Day, the public was invited to try their hand at using an Atlatl, (an ancient spear throwing device), after a presentation was given by Gary Nolf of its history and function.

Participating in Outreach programs gives FOSA members the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life, sharing stories, experiences and imparting our love of archaeology and the importance of preserving Connecticut's rich archaeological past for generations to come. Sincere thanks go out to all the folks who volunteered at these events.

For those of you who wish to participate in future programs and/or may have a collection to possibly display, please contact Exhibit Coordinator Bonnie Beatrice at or 860-434-5114.

Watch your newsletters and emails for upcoming events.

We hope to see you there!