Selected Reprints

The Turtle Is Launched!

by Ken Beatrice

"Hear ye ... Hear ye ... Avast" ... to all HMS Ships in blockade of Connecticut Cities and Ports ... the Turtle has been launched.

Under a heavy gray November sky with flag unfurled (declaring "Don't Tread on Me"), the war machine made way for its maiden voyage commencing from the Connecticut River Museum dock in Essex. South, not far from this location, the original launching took place during the Revolutionary War in 1776. With a "Torpedo" cask holding 140 lbs. of black powder with timer and a flintlock mechanism for spark, the Turtle was now ready to do havoc against the English armada in control of New England shores.

Roy Manstan, at the helm during its maiden voyage, has been researching and designing the many components such as the hatch, the blades or "oars" that propelled the craft, and the screw that secured the torpedo to the target's wooden hull. No sketches or drawings exist of the Turtle, only letters that were written by David Bushnell, the inventor, and a description by Ezra Lee, the first pilot, and these were used to build this latest Turtle. Bushnell, a mechanical engineer, was a Yale graduate. To aid him with his research, Roy obtained several textbooks that Bushnell would have read during his studies.

A sea trial is now being prepared for this summer's activities. Part of the test plan will call for a series of diving operations to simulate the "Screw" placement into a ship's hull with deployment of the torpedo. Please note, all black powder will be removed prior to launch.

Fair Winds and Calm Seas!