Selected Reprints

The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Library: A Valuable Resource to the Public

by Mandy Ranslow

The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center has two libraries, a Research Library and Archive and a Children's Library. Both are open Wednesday through Saturday 10am-4pm. It is not necessary to purchase a museum admission ticket to visit the library, and entry is through the group entrance. The library is a non-lending library, but photocopying is available for a fee.

The Research Library collection is comprised of over 40,000 documents related to Mashantucket Pequot history, Native American history in general, and local history focused on Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Long Island. There is also an extensive serials collection of over 800 subscriptions to tribal newsletters and newspapers, academic journals, and microfilm. The Archives and Special Collections is the location of primary documents including the Tribal Archives and a Cartographic collection that includes many maps from the 17th and 18th centuries. Algonquian and Iroquoian language material are also preserved in the Archives.

If you want to visit the Archives & Special Collections an appointment is required. It would be best to firat contact the Museum; click to check on availability.

If you have specific questions contact the Museum's Library, Research, Archives and Special Collections at:
860-396-6897   or  email at:

If you're not certain who to call, please check all the Contacts on their web site, by clicking here.