In the table below, click on the article's Name to access it...

Unless otherwise noted, all reprints are from identified FOSA Newsletters. Annotations:

ASC = Archaeological Society of Connecticut
USDA / NRCS = United States Department of Agriculture / Natural Resources Conservation Service
CSMNH / CAC = Connecticut State Museum of Natural History / Connecticut Archaeology Center
CT PRSV NEWS = Connecticut Preservation News
SHA = Society for Historical Archaeology
MAG-ART = (online) Magazine Article
CT Explored = Connecticut Explored Magazine
AUTHOR = Article submitted for printing here by the author

Name Description

>>CT Explored Spring 2024
"Ground Penetrating Radar: Excavations in the Digital Age" by Dr. David E. Leslie Expanding use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to expedite examination of potential arhaeological sites. quickly and without damage to the site area.

Fall 2023
"If You See Something, Say Something" by Jim Hall Examples of when non-archaeologists notice something odd that can lead to discoveries with method for notifying archaeologists in Connecticut about what's been found.

>> ASC Newsletter 261, pp. 17-23
The History and Archaeology of Fort Decatur: An Undisturbed War of 1812 Occupation in Ledyard, Connecticut by David R. George, Susannah C. Goeters, and Erica A. Lang A research article on the history of Fort Decatur in Ledyard, CT and the results of recent archaeological research at the site using pedestrian survey, shovel testing, metal detection, and ground penetrating radar (GPR).

Fall 2021
The Aunt Polly by Ken and Bonnie Beatrice A write-up on the Aunt Polly, a yacht whose remains are visible during low tide near the Chester-Hadlyme Ferry Dock park/picnic area in East Haddam.

Spring 2017
The Mighty Moodus River by Jim Trocchi A write-up on the history of the Moodus River and its impact on the village of Moodus in the town of East Haddam, CT -- including interesting sites to see and places to visit.

>> AUTHOR - March, 2017
Daniel Hand: A Local and American Hero by Dr. Donald Rankin An overview of the life of Daniel Hand, for whom Hand Academy -- which became today's Daniel Hand High School -- is named. Less well-known is the fact that he also established a trust fund valued at $1,500,000 with the American Missionary Society for the purpose of educating black Americans in the seven southern states ... at the time, the largest philanthropic gift to a benevolent association in the history of the nation.

Fall 2016
Seasonal Occupations at the Devil's Head Site, Maine by David E. Leslie, PhD, and M. Gabriel Hrynick, PhD A write-up on soft-shell clam excavations and evaluation at Devil's Head in Maine. Was the subject of a class on the use of specialized analytical tools to determine salinity levels, seasons and related items at the site during pre-Contact period.

>> AUTHOR - April, 2016
Stable Isotope Workshop by Jim Hall On April 24, 2016, then-PhD Candidate David Leslie led a Stable Isotope Workshop at the University of Connecticut. Several members of FOSA attended the workshop, this workshop, which covered a number of topics, including the preparation of samples using a precision saw, fine polishing and grinding samples for microscopic analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of samples to investigate their structural composition, and micromilling samples for stable isotope analyses.

Spring 2016
The Charcoal Mound Site at People's State Forest, Barkhamsted, Connecticut A New Connecticut Archaeological Preserve by Faline Schneiderman, RPA, Historical Perspectives, Inc. Article on the history of the Charcoal Mound Site, its rise and the reasons for its demise.
Portland Nike Missile Site Becomes a Connecticut Archaeological Preserve" by Bob Stewart Article on the Nike Missile Site in Portland, CT, which had recently been named a Connecticut Archaeological Preserve.
An Island Buried in History" by Michael C. Dooling Article on the history Charles Island, a popular but little studied island off the coast of Milford.

Fall 2015
Borden's Condensed Milk Factory Site, Burr Pond State Park, Torrington CT, A New CT Archaeological Preserve by Faline Schneiderman, RPA, Historical Perspectives, Inc. Article on the history of the Borden's Condensed Milk Factory in the Burr Pond State Park; and the results of an archaeological examination of the site.
Midway Railroad Roundhouse Archaeological Complex, Groton CT, A new CT State Archaeological Preserve by Sara Mascia, Vice President, Historical Perspectives Article on the history of the Midway Railroad Roundhouse complex in Groton, following a tour of the site by FOSA members.
Radiocarbon Date of the Farmington/Pope Mastodon, Connecticut by Matthew T. Boulanger and Brian Jones Article on the history of the "Pope Mastodon" skeleton which was unearthed on the Hill-Stead estate of A.A. Pope in 1913. The skeleton was initially stored in Farmington; ultimately it was transferred to the CT State Museum of Natural History. The article goes into the characteristics of the site, its exhumation, and a history of the skeleton's "travels". In order to facilitate radiocarbon dating, FOSA utilized the "Douglas Jordan Testing, Dating and Conservation Fund" to obtain an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) date on a fragment of tusk ivory.
The Douglas Jordan Testing, Dating and Conservation Fund by Mike Raber Article on the history of the "Douglas Jordan Fund", which was established in 2004.

>> USDA / NRCS July 31, 2015 Geophysical Field Assistance Report Extract
GPR Results: Whittlesey Museum at Music Vale Seminary by Debbie Surabian Extract of a report on the results of GPR examination of the Whittlesey Museum at Music Vale Seminary in Salem, Connecticut. Other sites in CT and NY mentioned in the report are not included in this reprint.

Spring 2015
Historic Preservation of an African-American Cemetery by Faline Schneiderman Article on the characteristics and preservation of an African-American cemetery in Greenwich,after the town was made aware of an encroachment on a portion of the cemetery. Because of the sensitive nature of the site, the Town of Greenwich contacted the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) for guidance.
Trip to the Meadowcroft Rockshelter by Cynthia Redman Reminiscences of the trip to the Meadowcroft Rockshelter, taken by Cynthia and other FOSA members in October, 2014.
Strong Howard House: An Interesting Feature Uncovered After Chimney Removal by Jim Trocchi An update by Jim Trocchi on the ongoing excavations of the Strong Howard House in Windsor, in which unusual brickworks were found on removal of a 1950s-era fireplace. A trench, then additional walls which may have comprised the original chimney, in an area that may have also served as a storage place for dairy products or ice

Fall 2014
Brian Jones's first "News from the Office of State Archaeology" article by Dr. Brian Jones This first "News from the OSA" article provides both background information on Dr. Jones and some of his goals for his upcoming tenure as CT State Archaeologist.
Crossing the Connecticut River by Jim Trocchi A report by on the methods, and hazards, associated with crossing the Connecticut starting with the early colonial period through the early 20th century.
Technology "Starrs" in Tomb Investigation by Scott Brady An article by Scott Brady describing the use of modern technology in performing a non-destructive examination at the Old North Main Cemetery in Danbury after hillside erosion revealed a stone structure that did not appear in cemetery records.

>> CSMNH / CAC July 16, 2014 Press Release
Announcement of retirement of Nick Bellantoni Press release regarding upcoming retirement of Nick Bellantoni as CT State Archaeologist; and information on his replacement, Dr. Brian D.Jones.

Spring 2014
Nick Bellantoni's final "News from the Office of State Archaeology" article by Dr. Nicholas Bellantoni With Nick Bellantoni retiring later this year (2014), this final aritcle provides some final thoughts on the history of FOSA and the contribution it has made in helping him do his job.
"Farmington Students Excavate at Walpole Site" by Jeremy S. Pilver A report on excavation work carried out by students of Mr. Pilver at the Lewis Walpole Library in Farmington, CT.
"Connecticut's Iron Industry" by Jim Trocchi A report by Jim Trocchi on aspects of the iron industry in Connecticut, with concentration on the Beckley Furnace in East Canaan, CT.
"Gurleyville Grist Mill Dig - Fall 2013" by Joan Hill A report by Joan Hill of Joshua's Trust, on excavations at the Gurleyville Grist Mill in Mansfield, CT.
"Thank You, Howard" by Ken Beatrice A "Thank You" to Howard Horton of Glastonbury, CT, who has made his farm the site for numerous excavations by both students and professional archaeologists over the years..

>> SHA November 4, 2013 blog post
"Engaging the Community in Local Archaeology through a Friends Group" by Mandy Ranslow This blog post was written by FOSA Board member Mandy Ranslow, to share with the larger archaeological community the great work a friends group like FOSA can do to support local archaeology.

>> MAG-ART Men's Journal, November 6, 2013
"Places to Visit Before They Disappear" by Lauren Matison, Men's Journal Some beautiful places that might not be around for the next generation, due to rising sea levels / global warming.

Fall 2013
"Ground Penetrating Radar in Historic Deerfield Cemetery" by Todd Kmetz A report by Todd Kmetz describing, first, a talk by Nick Bellantoni about, among other things, a battle in Deerfield, MA during Queen Anne's War in which 50 people were killed and buried in what is now Deerfield Cemetery; and the organization and examination of the site using Ground Penetrating Radar to locate a possible mass burial site.
"Updates: Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center and The UConn 2013 Field School" by Zachary Singer and Laurie Pasteryak Lamarre An update on the 2013 UConn Pre-Contact field school excavations aimed at documenting the Paleoindian component of the Obomowauke site located at the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation; as well as activities of students in the 2013 Battlefield Fieldschool at various Pequot War battlefields.
"Summer Digs at Sherwood Island" by Ernie Wiegand and Cece Saunders An article on archaeological surveys of some of the historic sites known to have existed on Sherwood Island, coordinated by Norwalk Community College professor Ernest Wiegand. Sites included the Arthur Sherwood homestead, the Folly Farm site and the Sherwood Point site.
"Strong-Howard House Archaeology" by Jim Trocchi A report by Jim Trocchi on excavations at the grounds of the Windsor Historical Society campus, which consists of 3 buildings the oldest of which is the Strong-Howard House. The House is currently under renovation, and the dig was intended to examine various parts of it, especially a store there dating from the 18th century. A variety of artifacts were uncovered, pictures of which are included here.

Spring 2013
"Exploring a Historical Feature" by Jim Trocchi A report by Jim Trocchi on a railroad bridge near his home; specifically on the original wooden footings dating to 1844 and on its stone-arch replacement, which has been in use since it was constructed in 1867.
"Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center" by Laurie Pasteryak A report on the studies at a King Philip's Ware battlefield in Rhode Island; information on two 2013 field schools being offered during the 2013 summer season; and an update on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project, being undertaken by the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.

>> MAG-ART Smithsonian, October, 2012
"The Great New England Vampire Panic" by Abigail Tucker, Smithsonian Magazine An article on the investigations into oddly-disturbed skeletal remains found in an abandoned & forgotten grave site, which led Dr. Nicholas Bellantoni an investigation of vampire beliefs, which raged in New England (primarily in western Connecticut and eastern Rhode Island, though in scattered other locales as well) until the 1890s.
"Meet the Real-Life Vampires of New England and Abroad" by Abigail Tucker, Smithsonian Magazine A companion article to the "New England Vampires" article above, describing what happened to the bodies of a number of accused vampires in Europe and the U.S.

>> CSMNH / CAC Fall 2012
"A Long Trip Home" by Dr. Nick Bellantoni An article by Nick Bellantoni, describing the circumstances of Albert Afraid of Hawk's demise, and his subsequent exhumation, transport to his native home in South Dakota, and his reburial there by members of Native American tribe.
"Below The Surface" by Debbie Surabian An article by Debbie Surabian describing several geophysical techniques which have been used recently -- during the Albert Afraid of Hawk exhumation, the search for Lt. Eugene Bradley's P-40 crash site, and the Captain Thomas Robinson Cemetery search for unmarked graves -- to determine characteristics of soil beneath the surface. These include measuring pH (acidity) levels and Ground Penetrating Radar to locate below-ground anamolies.

Fall 2012
"Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center" by Laurie Pasteryak An update on the 2012 Summer Archaeology Field Schools results and on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project, being undertaken by the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.

Spring 2012
"Cave Hill: Noises in Moodus Connecticut" by Jim Trocchi A report by Jim Trocchi on noises which have from pre-colonial times been emanating particularly from a cave in Moodus, Connecticut. Jim provides a history of the noises, examination of earthquakes in the area, and the results of explorations of the cave he undertook.
"Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center" by Laurie Pasteryak An update on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project, being undertaken by the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.
"Archaeology and Ethics" by Mandy Ranslow An article, which expands on Nick's "News from the OSA" article, which describes the challenges which archaeologists face in establishing provenience for artifacts, particularly when television show such as "Diggers" on the National Geographic Channel, and "American Diggers" on Spike TV, show excavations which violate ethical standards established by professional archaeological groups in the U.S.

Fall 2011
"News From the OSA: Skeletons Uncovered at Hospital Construction Site" by Nick Bellantoni A reprint of Nick's "News From the Office of State Archaeology" article, which talks about the discovery of skeletons from a long-forgotten cemetery in New Haven, the site of hospital construction work, and the work it required from Nick and those helping him.
"Updates from Mashantucket" by Laurie Pasteryak An update on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project, being undertaken by the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.
"Native American Travel" by Jim Trocchi An article discussing the various modes of transportation used by Native Americans in Connection at the time of European contact.

>> CT PRSV NEWS July/August 2011
"Archaeological and Historical Collections: A National Crisis" by Nick Bellantoni An article describing the need to estabilsh and maintain provenance of artifacts, stressing that not knowing the context of where artifacts have been found means that their historical relevance can be irretrievably lost.

Spring 2011
"Acculturation of Native Americans in Southern New England" by Jim Trocchi An overview of contact situations between European and Native Americans from 1620 forward, with a concentration on the 17th century. Examination of the European influence on native tribes in a variety of areas is given.
"Battlefields of the Pequot War, Spring 2011 Update" by Jacqueline Veninger and Laurie Pasteryak An update on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project, being undertaken by the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.

Fall 2010
"Archaeology Field School for Kids" by Mandy Ranslow A brief history of the CT State Museum of Natural History and the CT Archaeology Center's 2010 Archaeology Field School for Kids Activities, with emphasis on this year's excavation at the Farwell House on the University of Connecticut campus.
"Updates from Mashantucket" by Mandy Ranslow An update on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project, being undertaken by the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.
"A Rare Event for the Industrial Archaeologist" by Jim Trocchi A report by Jim Trocchi concerning exposure of the remains of the Rainbow Hydroelectric Plant Dam in 2009, the result of the lowering of the reservoir which had submerged it; including both its history and comparisons of similar views taken in 1976.
"The Marine Railways of Southeast Connecticut" by Michael S. Raber, William N. Peterson and Thomas C. Law An examination of surviving and lost marine railways, which were used to service watercraft in shipyards but allowing their retrieval for repair, and return to service, using railroad tracks, as opposed to dry- and floating repair docks. An overview of the shipbuilding trade in this area is also given.

Spring 2010
"Update on the Turtle Submarine Project" by Bonnie Beatrice Update on the project to reconstruct the submarine Turtle, with emphasis on a book on the subject recently published.
"Updates from Mashantucket" by Mandy Ranslow Three short articles glimpsing projects undertaken at Mashantucket during the summer and fall of 2009. The first two articles discuss features excavated at Sandy Hill and site 72-277. The third article is an update on the "Battlefields of the Pequot War" Project.
"Connecticut Indian Demographics at European Contact" by Jim Trocchi A detailed paper by Jim Trocchi which presents a view of what the Connecticut Native American landscape was like when the first Europeans, mostly English, first stepped foot on this land.

Fall 2009
"The Andrew Kowalsky collection" by Mandy Ranslow A brief description of the Andrew Kowalsky collection, recently donated to the Connecticut Archaeology Center.
"Mashantucket Update" by Mandy Ranslow A description of the latest activities, by various groups, at different sites on the Mashantucket Pequot Reservation.
"Paleoimaging" by Jim Trocchi A description of the science of paleoimaging, the use of modern scientific and medical devices (X-rays, CT scanning and endoscopy, to allow examination of mummified remains non-invasively. Precursor to the Mummy Dearest guest-lecture of the 2009 Annual Meeting.
"Norfolk Air Crash" by Jim Trocchi A description of a trip by FOSA members to the site of a P40A crash in 1943, in Norfolk, CT, which resulted in the death of 1st Lt. Daniel Thorson.

Spring, 2009
"The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Library: A Valuable Resource to the Public" by Mandy Ranslow A brief description of the resources available to the public at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Library.
"New Discovery Sheds Light on Hunley's Fate" by Paula Neely, reprinted from American Archaeology An article describing the current thinking as regards the fate of the crew of the CSS H. L. Hunley after it sank the USS Housatonic in 1864.
"An Update from Mashantucket" by Mandy Ranslow An article on the latest field season, which was dedicated to surveying a property that was owned originally by John Winthrop, Jr. and his descendants from 1640-1750 -- Site 72-277, a Middle to Terminal Archaic Campsite.
"Boiling Water with Rocks" by Jim Trocchi An article on how Native Americans were able to boil water in clay pottery or animal skins.
"Corduroy Roads" by Cece Saunders, Historical Perspectives, Inc. An article on the history and construction of corduroy roads, and 2 sites where their remnants may still be found in Connecticut.
"The Hicock-Benson-Palmer Site: A Significant Late Woodland Living Site in South Britain" by Lucianne Lavin, PhD, IAIS An article on findings and analyses associated with the Hicock-Benson-Palmer Site, first excavated in 1973-74 by Dr. Ned Swigart.

Fall, 2008
"MPMRC Receives ABPP Grant" by Kevin McBride, PhD, Director of Research, MPMRC The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center (MPMRC) has embarked on a multi-year research project funded by the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP) to identify and preserve battlefields and historical sites associated with the Pequot War.
"FOSA/OSA Photos at Connecticut Archaeology Center" by John Spaulding Since August, 2000, John Spaulding has been photographing FOSA-assisted projects, when requested, for the Connecticut Office of State Archaeology. These photographs have been printed and placed in three ring binders. As the projects progressed, a complete file of images has been periodically provided to the Office of State Archaeology for use in reports and slide shows. FOSA three-ring binders of Photos transferred to Connecticut Archaeology Center on February 5, 2007.
"Big Timber's Chinatown" Reprinted with the permission of Brett French, The Billings Gazette Results of archaeological excavations in Big Timber, Montana, concentrating on the "Chinatown" section of the city.
"Celebrating Stamford's History" by Cece Saunder, Historical Perspectives, Inc Article on Stamford, Connecticut's industrial history, with emphasis on the former Yale & Towne Lock complex in the City's South End.
"Thoughts on Who Were the First Americans" by Jim Trocchi An article summarizing some of the latest findings, in both North and South America, containing evidence of human presence prior to the last Ice Age, at or over 12,000 years ago.

Spring, 2008
"FOSA's Outreach Program" by Bonnie Beatrice A description of FOSA's Outreach Program, to make the public aware of OSA, FOSA, and archaeological activities in Connecticut.
"New Ancient Lineage Discovered" by Michael Bawaya, Editor, American Archaeology Ancient DNA extracted from the 5,000-year-old remains of two individuals has revealed a mitochondrial haplogroup (a term used to describe genetic lineages) previously unknown in the New World.
"The Turtle Is Launched!" by Ken Beatrice Description of the launching of the reproduction of the Revolutionary War submarine Turtle.
"Another Attempt to Amend NAGPRA" by Michael Bawaya, Editor, American Archaeology Discusses the Senate's Committee on Indian Affairs approval of legislation to amend the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) to allow Native American tribes to take custody of 9,400-year-old Kennewick Man as well as all other ancient remains.
"Update on Kennewick Man" by Roger Thompson Current status on the legal battles surrounding a human skeleton, first uncovered in 1996 on the banks of the Columbia River, and one of the oldest and most complete ever found, between local Native American tribes who want the remains reburied without study   and   scientists who wish to study them.
"The First English Settlement in Connecticut" by Jim Trocchi An article on what became known as Plymouth Meadows, in what is now the town of Windsor, first settled on September 26, 1663, by colonists from Plymouth, Massachusetts.
"More Exciting Discoveries at the Venture Smith Archaeology Site" by Lucianne Lavin, PhD An update on the findings at the Venture Smith archaeological site in Haddam Neck. Venture Smith (born Broteer Furro, ca. 1729-1805), was the eldest son of a West African prince who was kidnapped and sold into slavery when he was about 6 or 9 years old. He eventually was able to buy his and, later, his wife's and childrens' freedom, purchasing and living at the site in 1775.

Fall, 2007
"The Farmington Canal" by Jim Trocchi An examination of the history of the Farmington Canal, its course, and what can be seen of it today.
"The History of the West is Written in Rock" by Mary Pickett of The Billings Gazette A discussion of rock carvings made by Native Americans and American explorers and settlers.
"Henry Obookia and His Delayed Trip Home" by Roger Thompson A history of the life of Henry Obookia, a native of the Hawaiian Islands who came to Connecticut in the early 1800s, only to die there in 1818, and whose body was eventually returned to Hawaii for reburial in his ancestral home.

Spring, 2007
"Volunteer Profile: Roy Manstan Helps Resurrect the Past" by Kenneth Beatrice An article profiling Roy Manstan, who was leading the effort to build a replica of the submarine Turtle.
"Windsor's Palisade" by Jim Trocchi An article describing attempts to locate the palisade, or defensive structure, surrounding Windsor of the 17th century.
"Cautions and Limitations Associated with Radiocarbon Dating" by Roger Thompson An article describing the limitations and precautions to be aware of when using radiocarbon / Carbon-14 dating.

Fall, 2006
"Ground Penetrating Radar in South Windsor" by John Spaulding Results from Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) analyses on the South Windsor Town Farm, which has been used for both farming and manufacturing since first occupied in 1641.
"FOSA Awarded Grant to Help Fund New Exhibit" by Leanne Kennedy Harty Article on the awarding of a $25,000 grant by the Quinebaug-Shetucket Heritage Corridor (QSHC) to help complete development of a multi-media, 4-station exhibit in the Connecticut Archaeology Center Museum, exploring connections between Connecticut's cultural and natural history.
"Uncovering the Grave of Venture Smith" by Roger Thompson Article on life of Venture Smith, an African who was brought to this country as a slave in the 1730s, who bought his and his family's way to freedom, and who died in 1805; and on attempts to uncover his grave in East Haddam to analyze any remains found there.
"The Archaeological Society of Connecticut: A Historical Sketch" by Dan Cruson A history of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut (ASC).

Spring, 2006
"Arthur Basto Archaeological Society" A short history of the Arthur Basto Archaeological Society and the man after whom it is named.
"How Old Is It?" by Roger Thompson An article on how radiocarbon (C-14) dating works.

Fall, 2005
"Kennewick Man" by Roger Thompson A short history of Kennewick Man, the discovery, analysis, and controversial handling of the skeleton and its burial site.
"Another Mystery For The State Archaeologist: Where Did The Bradley Plane Crash?" by Paul M. Scannell An article on preliminary work associated with locating the crash site of Lt. Eugene Bradley in Windsor Locks, at an airfield subsequently renamed Bradley Field.
"Pine Island Soldier" by Ken & Bonnie Beatrice An article on researching the remains of a Revolutionary War soldier who is interred on Pine Island in Groton, CT.

Spring, 2005
"The Avery Homestead, Preston, CT" by Roger Thompson A history of the Avery Homestead in Preston, CT, tracing the family members who inhabited it for 139 years.

Fall, 2004
"Asher Wright: A Friend Forever" by Roger Thompson A short biography of Asher Wright, a close friend of Nathan Hale and whose gravestone can be found that of Nathan Hale near the Hale Homestead.
"A Recent Example of the "Archaeological Detective" at Work; Or, Where is the Lost Cemetery?" by Paul Scannell A description of the efforts involved in the successful locating of the prisoner's cemetery at Newgate Prison in East Granby.

Spring, 2004
"Dar's Gold In Dem Dar Banks" by Roger Thompson An article concerning a lost cache of gold coins, dating from the Revolutionary War, said to be located near Salmon Brook in East Granby.
"Samuel Huntington (1732-1796)" by Roger Thompson and John Spaulding An article on the life of Samuel Huntington, signer of the Declaration and Governor of the State of Connecticut, attendant with the refurbishment of the Huntington burying ground in Norwichtonwn.

Fall, 2003
"The Search for Peter Pond" by Roger Thompson An article about the life of Peter Pond, originally of Milford Connecticut, veteran of the French and Indian War, and explorer of the western regions of Canada; and on the results of an examination of the Pond family burial plot.
"The Bulkeley Saga Continues" by John Spaulding A subsequent article about the removal, cataloging, and re-internment of the remains of the Bulkeley family from the tomb of Gershom Bulkeley and his descendants; and the restoration and rededication of the tomb itself.

Spring, 2003
"Gershom Bulkeley Tomb" by Ken Beatrice Initial article of results on the examination of the remains found in the Gershom Bulkeley Tomb.

Fall, 2002
"The Rediscovery of Xanadu" by Thomas R. Atkinson An article on the search for Kubla Khan's summer palace of Xanadu, in China, where the 13th century emperor met Marco Polo.
"Connecticut's First Underwater Archaeological Preserves" by Cece Saunders An article on the background of Connecticut's first maritime-related State Archaeological Preserves.

Spring, 2002
"A Famous Forge" by Mike Raber An article on a research project at the site of a forge in Killingworth associated with a colonial steelworks.

Fall, 2001
"Mystery Shipwreck" by Paul M. Scannell A report on examination of an apparent shipwreck noticed by a private aircraft pilot in the Connecticut River near East Windsor.

Spring, 2001
"OSA and the Pelton Kiln Site" by Jim Trocchi A report on excavations and research effort relating to a pottery kiln in Bloomfield which was accidentally unearthed during housing construction.

Spring, 2001
"OSA and the Pelton Kiln Site" by Jim Trocchi A report on excavations and research effort relating to a pottery kiln in Bloomfield which was accidentally unearthed during housing construction.

>> AUTHOR - March, 2021
"Preliminary Analysis of Faunal Remains from the Hollister Site" by Sarah Sportman The full title is: "PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF FUANAL REMAINS FROM THE SOUTH AND MIDDLE CELLARS AT THE 17TH-CENTURY HOLLSITER SITE (54-85) IN GLASTONBURY, CONNECTICUT." Though part of the ASC Bulletin 82, this was provided to us by the author, Dr. Sarah Sportman, since the Bulletin had not been archived at the time.